Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification measures a building's environmental performance. It is one of the most widely used project rating systems for new construction and major renovations. The program is regulated by the US Green Building Council. Kryton's solutions can contribute to achieving valuable LEED points for your building.
SS Credit Site Development: Protect or Restore Habitat (Up to 2 points)
To conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged areas to provide habitat and promote biodiversity. Kryton can help reduce site disturbance. Less excavation is required because Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) waterproofing admixture is added directly to the concrete mix. No additional excavation to accommodate the applicators of surface-applied waterproofing membranes.
SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction (Up to 2 points)
To minimize effects on microclimates as well as human and wildlife habitats by reducing heat islands. Heat island mitigation strategies include adding exterior trees and vegetation as well as green roofs. Kryton can help to waterproof green roofs and suspended slabs.
SS Credit: Rainwater Management (up to 3 points)
To reduce runoff volume and improve water quality by replicating the natural hydrology and water balance of the site. This will be based on historical conditions and undeveloped ecosystems in the region. Kryton's KIM is commonly used to waterproof concrete storm water runoff cisterns. This Low Impact Development (LID) technique collects water for future use, resulting in both water conservation and reduction of water utility costs.
MR Credit: Building Life Cycle Impact Reduction (Up to 6 points)
To encourage adaptive reuse and optimize the environmental performance of products and materials. Kryton's products can repair concrete as part of a renovation. They increase both the durability and service life of the concrete structure.
MR Credit: Construction and Demolition Waste Management (Up to 2 points)
Intent: To reduce construction and demolition waste in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing and recycling materials. KIM's pulpable paper bags can be added to the concrete plant mixer or truck unopened, eliminating all packaging waste. Concrete with KIM in it can be recycled after demolition. Concrete with surface-applied membranes cannot be recycled after demolition.
EQ Credit: Low-Emitting Materials (Up to 3 points)
To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health, productivity, and the environment
Kryton's Concrete Waterproofing contain no volatile organic compounds (VOC) and can replace VOC emitting paints, sealers and membranes. KIM's pulpable bags are added to the concrete plant mixer or truck unopened, eliminating all dust as compared to other dry admixtures.
EQ Credit: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan (Up to 1 point)
To promote the well-being of construction workers and building occupants by minimizing indoor air quality problems associated with construction and renovation.
Kryton's Krystol Technology products such as KIM and Krystol Tl Concrete Waterproofing can replace VOC materials and they do not expose workers to VOCs.
EQ Credit: Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Up to 2 points)
To establish better indoor air quality in the building after construction and during occupancy. Kryton's Krystol Technology products such as KIM and Krystol Tl Concrete Waterproofing are VOC-free and can help meet air quality test requirements.
Kryton waterproofing solutions such as KIM can contribute to the Innovation category credits (up to 5 points). KIM frees designers from the design constraints of using a surface-applied membrane. Thus, Kryton solutions can contribute to innovation credits as part of a broader innovative design approach.
Offering information and support to Architects, Engineers, Suppliers, Builders and Tradesmen.
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Offering consulting services and educational seminars for architects, engineers and other professionals.
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Homeowners / DIY
Offering support and easy instruction to the Do-it-Yourselfer for residential waterproofing.
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Tank Repair, Parking Structures, Detection & Leak Repair, Consultation.
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- Type E Additive
- Krystol T1 & T2
- Krystol Internal Membrane
- Hard-Cem®
- Krystol Mortar Admixture™
- Krystol Plug™
- Krystol Baricote™
- Krystol Repair Grout™
- Krystol Waterstop Grout™
- Krystol Waterstop Treatment™
- Hydropel™ Sealer (Formerly Hydrostop)
- Restore and Protect System
- Call for full line of Tremco products.