Krystol Waterstop Grout™
Krystol Waterstop Grout is a powder containing the proven chemistry of integral crystalline waterproofing.
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Krystol Waterstop Grout™ is a crystalline grout used to create an internal or external waterstop at construction joints, pipe penetrations, tie-holes and control joints.
Krystol Waterstop Grout™ is a crystalline grout used to create an internal or external waterstop at construction joints, pipe penetrations, tie-holes and control joints.
How It Works
The active ingredients in Krystol Waterstop Grout™ combine chemically with water to form millions of needle-shaped crystals. The crystals grow in all directions within the concrete to fill any capillary pores, cracks and joints. This blocks the flow of water and creates a permanently waterproof structure.
Product Benefits
- Provides a permanent waterproof treatment as part of the Krystol Waterstop system
- Contains proven Krystol waterproofing technology
- Proven fiber reinforced crystalline non-shrink grout
- Withstands extreme hydrostatic pressure
- Contains no corrosive chemicals
- Is durable and not prone to job site damage
- Is very high strength
- Is safe for contact with potable water
- Is easy to install
- Has a distinctive color, which makes it easy to inspect
- Multi-use –internal or external waterstop
- Permanent crystalline waterproofing and protection
- Crack Resistant
- NSF 61 certified; safe for contact with potable water
- Durable; resistant to rain, foot traffic and shifting
- Allows for flexible scheduling; Concrete can be placed / keyways can be filled days or weeks after installation
Use Kryton’s joint waterproofing system to waterproof and protect:
- Static concrete-to-concrete joints where there is any concern regarding water penetration
- Preplanned and unintended shotcrete cold joints
- Crack control joints
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Offering consulting services and educational seminars for architects, engineers and other professionals.
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Homeowners / DIY
Offering support and easy instruction to the Do-it-Yourselfer for residential waterproofing.
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Tank Repair, Parking Structures, Detection & Leak Repair, Consultation.
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- Type E Additive
- Krystol T1 & T2
- Krystol Internal Membrane
- Hard-Cem®
- Krystol Mortar Admixture™
- Krystol Plug™
- Krystol Baricote™
- Krystol Repair Grout™
- Krystol Waterstop Grout™
- Krystol Waterstop Treatment™
- Hydropel™ Sealer (Formerly Hydrostop)
- Restore and Protect System
- Call for full line of Tremco products.